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Anonymous have offered soldiers Bitcoin to surrender and have hacked 300 Russian targets

1st Mar 22 4:11 pm

The infamous hacking group Anonymous have successfully hacked more than 300 Russian targets in just two days after “dictator” Putin invaded his neighbour.

The international group have announced that they are offering Russian soldiers Bitcoin bounty to offer their tanks to Ukraine soldiers.

The Ukrainian media have said the group have collected around £7.8m in Bitcoin or RUB 1bn and are offering tank crews RUB 5m or £39,000 for each tank surrendered.

Anonymous are allegedly telling Russian soldiers, “Russian soldiers, everyone who wants to live with their families, children, and not die, the Anonymous global community has collected RUB 1,225,043 in bitcoin to help you.”

Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov reportedly announced the creation for an IT Army of Ukraine on Saturday.

He said, “We are creating an IT army. We need digital talents. All operational tasks will be given here: itarmyofurraine.

“There will be tasks for everyone. We continue to fight on the cyber front.’

He added, “In 2022 modern technologies are one of the best responses to tanks, rockets and missiles.

“I’ve addressed to the biggest tech giants to support the sanctions for Russian Federation. We asked them to help us stop this outrageous aggression on our people!”

Anonymous said that they have hacked more than 300 websites belonging to Russian government agencies, state media outlets, banks, as well as websites of leading Belarusian banks, including Belarusbank, Priorbank and Belinvestbank.

They said, “Anonymous takes down more than 300+ Russian government, state media and banks websites in the last 48 hours, with most of them currently offline.”

The collective said on social media, “Hackers all around the world: target Russia in the name of #anonymous let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. Anonymous owns fascists, always.”

On Monday the Tass.com site was hacked with an anti-war message which read, “We urge you to stop this madness, do not send your sons and husbands to certain death.

“Putin is forcing us to lie and is putting us in danger…It’s not our war, let’s stop him!”

Now an error message appears when trying to access the site.

It is not known currently if Tass have taken their own website down due to the message or if the hacking group Anonymous is involved.

Over the weekend Anonymous has successfully waged a cyber war against the Vladimir Putin the government and the Kremlin’s websites.

Anonymous released a video on Sunday morning warning the Russian President that if he continues he will “face unprecedented cyberattacks from all corners of the world.”

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