Home » We Do Solar launches the first smart 5G solar devices for people’s homes

We Do Solar launches the first smart 5G solar devices for people’s homes

by Tech Reporter
17th Jul 23 2:25 pm

We Do Solar, a Berlin-based company and the producer of self-installation balcony solar sets in Europe, announced the launch of the first 5G smart micro-inverter, specifically designed for easy self-installation.

The new device is aesthetically-pleasing, and its non-bulky features transform balconies with solar panels into compact solar hubs through the app. Unlike other devices in the market, the We Do Solar cloud server stores the generated data in Germany, ensuring compliance with the rigorous standards outlined by the German GDPR regulations.

The recent problem with Deye’s micro-inverters—which is one of the most installed micro-inverters on European balconies—highlighted the hazards of solar devices even from bigger manufacturers. Its device was found to be non-compliant with its own VDE-AR-N 4105 certification, potentially putting its users in danger.

We Do Solar

In response to this, We Do Solar has launched a device that focuses on safety and efficiency, and that also offers pleasant aesthetics. The device is named WDS 5G 800, and it has a maximum emphasis on being compliant with all the security regulations that the market requires while being easy to install, operate and use.

We Do Solar micro-inverters have the required coupling switch and necessary safety features required by the VDE-AR-N 4105 standard. The coupling switch, which is responsible for isolating the AC side of the microinverter in the case of any functionality faults or abnormal grid situations, disconnects the device from the grid, eliminating any safety risks.

This helps to guarantee that users are safe, and also, that systems perform optimally while staying in compliance with all of the impending regulatory requirements.

Karolina Attspodina, CEO & Founder of We Do Solar said, “Solar power systems have witnessed significant growth in recent years, providing clean and sustainable energy solutions worldwide.

“However, safety must always remain a top priority. We believe that a safe solar energy ecosystem is essential for the well-being of individuals, the integrity of electrical grids, and the long-term success of the industry. We have developed a device that complies with all the standards and guarantees its users with adaptability to any types of solar panels.”

We Do Solar is preparing the mass production of its new micro-inverter WDS 5G 800 which is already available for pre-order. The device comes with a 10-year warranty, access to the We Do Solar mobile tracking app, and includes customer service.

We Do Solar is a company backed by its success in producing self-installed balcony solar sets in Europe, and has often been compared to Apple for its minimalistic and user-friendly design.

Also, the company is founded by a leading Ukrainian entrepreneur, Karolina Attspodina, who has made it a personal mission to fight the energy crisis in Europe that has ensued as a result of the current war. Attspodina, who has witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of energetic dependence, is keen on offering people a tool that is safe, easy to use, and affordable in order to empower energetic independence and eliminate the reliance on external sources that could be easily affected by conflict.

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