Home » Why B2B companies shouldn’t ignore social media

Why B2B companies shouldn’t ignore social media

by Tech Reporter
28th Jun 23 12:28 pm

It’s easy to think of social media as a consumer brand marketing channel. With, perhaps, the exception of LinkedIn, those networks aren’t aimed at professionals, are they?

But ignoring social media because your offering is B2B could be an oversight. Let’s look at why.

Professionals are people

Whether you’re looking to reach HR directors, CEOs, CFOs or procurement managers, you’re still looking to reach people. Across all age groups, over half the UK population logs into Facebook at least monthly and almost 40% into Instagram as often.

70% of those aged from 35 to 54 are active Facebook users and 62% of those aged 55 and over are as well.

In fact, across all age groups the numbers of people using Facebook, Instagram and even Tiktok are quite something:

So the professionals you’re trying to reach are probably on social media. It doesn’t matter whether they’re logged in during the working day or in an evening – they’re probably there are some point.

Awareness and even lead generation doesn’t only happen when people are actively working or actively looking for your product or service.

Social plays a role in reputation

How many times have you looked up reviews of companies you’re about to do business with, both in a professional and a personal capacity? Statistics show that almost all of us can be put off a purchase by a negative review.

So even if your target audience is professionals, don’t assume they won’t go off to Google to lookup your company and its reviews.

And when they do, what will they find?

You don’t have control of everything written and published about you online. But your social profiles have an excellent shout at ranking for your brand terms, so ensuring you have active social profiles can, in turn, help you to influence what’s showing up when people go looking you up on Google.

Your social profiles are a place in which you can share content that highlights your credibility. Consider thought leadership, your own industry news or research and other similar types of content that showcase the fact that you’re knowledgeable and credible in your space.

Less invasive than calling or emailing

We all know how lengthy a B2B sales process can be. It could be weeks, months or maybe even years long.

Calling someone up to chase progress regularly can be incredibly invasive and annoying. But being “present” through social ads or even your organic content can just keep you on their mind, in the background, over time.

So is it worth investing in social for B2B? Well, assuming your audience is human beings (who’ve not been replaced by AI powered robots just yet), then yes. There’s probably some scope in considering social media in your marketing strategy.

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