Home » 43% of Microsoft devices still can’t run Windows 11

43% of Microsoft devices still can’t run Windows 11

by Tech Reporter
6th Oct 22 2:37 pm

43% of Microsoft devices are still not capable of being upgraded to Windows 11, one year after its initial public release.

The new data released by Lansweeper today also found that of those machines, just 2.61% are currently running Windows 11.

Adoption rates were at 1.44% six months ago and 0.52% in January 2022, showing slow and steady growth for the latest Operating System.

The IT Asset Management software provider conducted its research based on an estimated 27 million Windows devices.

And although it has now overtaken Windows 8 in the list of most popular systems used, it is still behind Windows 7 in terms of market share – which reached End-of-Life back in January 2020.

4.82% of devices are still running Operating Systems that aren’t being fully supported, as well as 0.91% of Servers that are also End-of-Life.

While most devices scanned during Lansweeper’s research passed the RAM test (92.9%, increase of 1.8% from 2021), 64.6% of those tested for the TPMs (Trusted Platform Module) met the requirements (increase of 12%).

14.7% of machines scanned failed the test (decrease of 4.6%), while 20.8%% were not TPM compatible or did not have it enabled (decrease of 7.4%).

As predicted, adoption is higher in the consumer space at more than 3% of PCs scanned, but only narrowly beating organization PCs at just under 2%.

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If this trend continues at its current pace, it will take around four years for devices to meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11, said Roel Decneut, Chief Strategy Officer at Lansweeper.

“We know that those who can’t update to Windows 11 – which is most business devices right now – will continue to use Windows 10. But even if organizations were prepared to upgrade their PCs to meet the requirements of Windows 11, there are broader issues affecting adoption that are out of Microsoft’s control. Global supply chain disruption has created chip and processor shortages, while many are choosing to stick with what hardware they have at the moment due to global financial uncertainty,” Decneut said.

“For large enterprises, rolling out Windows 11 is a huge task which simply can’t be justified right now. The first step is to do a device audit to create an inventory of assets and the software deployed on them to get a clear picture of which parts of the IT estate are in critical need of replacement. Without complete visibility across the IT estate, organisations risk wasting a huge amount of time, resources, and budget simply inspecting machines, never mind actually upgrading them,” Decneut concluded.

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