Home ยป How to take a traditional business and enter the NFT space

How to take a traditional business and enter the NFT space

15th Nov 22 2:17 pm

Every major brand that was asleep for decades from Clinique to NFTs are taking over the business world and they will undoubtedly become part of our everyday lives replacing many of our platforms, certifications and tools that we currently use.

Experts are predicting a rise of the NFT market of $231 billion by 2030. A few examples of NFTs uses are: records such as degrees, medical records, proof of ownership over goods, services and real estate, authentication issues, tracking and transparency concerns in the supply chain industry, cryptocurrency and many others. There will, therefore, be no business that will not be impacted by their overwhelming use growth.

GLEAC, the company that digitalizes human skills and automates mentorship for soft skills, is the first company to release Lovely Humans NFTs where individuals and companies can bid for 5 hours with global industry experts.

The project was launched on the 15th of October and anybody interested in meeting some of the worldโ€™s greatest minds can bid for time with the experts.

During this time they can do anything from discussing ideas, solving problems or creating new projects together. In the current drop, bidders will be able to meet industry experts ranging from rocket scientist – Leon Vanstone, the inventor of VR – Dr. Thomas Furness, President of Cleveland Clinics – Madhu Sasidhar, founder of Soramitsu (first fintech company to create large-scale CBDSs) – Makoto Takemiya and many more brilliant minds!

The bidding starts at $10k for each individual NFT or $500k for the whole collection (with additional branding and product/service perks worth 250k) and can be purchased through their Opensea platform. The proceeds of the purchased NFTs go up to 50% to the expert and 50% toward the premium GLEAC App which provides industry expertise and micro-practices of human skills aligned to job roles to Unicef’s Yoma platform in Africa and the JIO platform in India.

Once the NFT is purchased, the buyer will gain immediate access to the Lovely Humans Community and will be able to attend all of the Lovely Humans VIP events. As soon as the mentoring sessions begin, the buyer and expert will automatically have joint ownership over the conversations and any projects that are born out of them.

They can then further tokenize and monetize them with mutual consent of buyer and expert. Buyers will also have the option of customizing the artwork, reselling it or adding it to the permanent Virtual Museum of the Industry Experts. On top of that, experts will not give out mentoring sessions to anybody else during this drop but in case you will miss it this year, there will be additional 5 hour sessions with industry experts offered in the 2023 drop.

Founder of GLEAC – Sallyann Della Casa advises business owners to adapt to the current digital shift and implement NFTs in their businesses. Many businesses such as Kodak, Nokia and Blockbuster failed to adapt to current trends and, therefore, their business success significantly declined.

The industry your business is part of does not matter when it comes to adjusting to current digital shifts; Web3.0 will have a huge impact on the whole business world and given the current rapid changes that are happening in the business world, there is no alternative, but to adapt to them.

NFTs are constantly evolving and are taking over many industries, the leading ones being fintech, sustainability, data and retail. They are a great way of solving some of the biggest problems that companies and industries may face. That is why some of the most successful businesses world-wide such as Nike and Tommy Hilfiger hopped on this trend early on, not only increasing their revenue through their NFT sales but also increasing their popularity and expanding their customer base.

Given the digital nature of NFTs and its limitless potential, they are low risk investments that create huge possibilities to boost the growth of both small businesses, global leading companies and anything in between. Web3.0 creates an equal starting point for businesses of all sizes offering your company the chance to expand and create new revenue streams.

It is an opportunity companies simply cannot afford to pass and the sooner they will be implemented, the higher the chances are for them to thrive against their competitors.

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