Home ยป Artificial Intelligence revolutionises multiple sclerosis diagnosis in Moscow

Artificial Intelligence revolutionises multiple sclerosis diagnosis in Moscow

by Tech Reporter
19th May 23 12:35 pm

A groundbreaking development in healthcare has emerged as artificial intelligence takes center stage in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Moscow doctors are now utilizing neural networks to accurately identify signs of MS through brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

This cutting-edge AI service, introduced by the Moscow Health Department and Department of Information Technologies, aims to expedite diagnosis, allowing for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development, Anastasia Rakova, expressed enthusiasm for the city’s expanding implementation of AI technology in healthcare.

By employing AI, doctors are empowered to swiftly identify signs of multiple sclerosis during imaging tests, a crucial step in combating this debilitating neurological disease. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, medical professionals can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of diagnoses, not only for MS but also for a wide range of medical conditions across 21 modalities.

Since its inception in 2020 as part of an experiment to integrate computer vision technologies into medicine, the AI-driven project has made significant strides. The Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine, in collaboration with the Department of Information Technologies, has successfully integrated neural networks into the radiological information service EMIAS.

Equipped with advanced algorithms, the system generates comprehensive descriptions of medical images, highlighting potential areas of pathology and providing color-coded indicators. Furthermore, it performs clinically significant measurements, facilitating radiologists in preparing comprehensive radiology reports.

The impact of AI technology extends beyond multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Presently, the smart algorithms aid in identifying various medical conditions, including lung cancer, COVID-19, spinal disc herniation, coronary heart disease, and many others.

With over a decade of efforts dedicated to digitizing the healthcare system, Moscow’s proactive approach to automation and AI integration enhances the productivity and precision of radiology specialists. Importantly, it improves the accessibility of medical care for patients. The Moscow project’s successful integration of computer vision technologies not only revolutionizes radiology but also paves the way for a burgeoning market of AI-driven services in the field.

As Moscow continues to expand the frontiers of artificial intelligence in healthcare, the future holds great promise for the intersection of technology and medicine. By harnessing the power of AI, doctors can more effectively combat diseases, promote early intervention, and ultimately improve patient well-being.

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