Home » Progressive web app – is it the right choice for your project? All you need to know about PWA

Progressive web app – is it the right choice for your project? All you need to know about PWA

by Tech Reporter
23rd Feb 23 10:41 am

Progressive web app development is recently gaining interest among various companies, particularly from the e-commerce industry. Is it just a trend or a transition worth making in the long term perspective? Read our article to verify that.

The way you will develop your online solution depends on various factors, including the specifics of your offering, your target groups and their habits, your business objectives, and many others. Until recently, you would choose between a website and a native app or develop them both.

That changed when progressive web apps entered the game. They are a compromise that can help you improve your retention rate without generating additional costs – quite the opposite.

Is the buzz around PWAs justified? Should you consider investing in progressive web app development? Here are some insights that may help you decide.

Progressive web app – what is it?

In a nutshell, a progressive web app is a website that gives the user the illusion of using a native solution. Its striking resemblance to a mobile app (in terms of both interface and user flows) is what attracts business customers. The concept dates back to 2015, so it’s relatively recent, but it has already managed to make quite an impact on the technology landscape. Today, the strongest players in the technological market use progressive web apps. Among them are Uber, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. PWAs are here to stay – and there are various reasons for it!

Progressive web apps – pros and cons

PWAs can be accessed through the browser and positioned in search engines. That makes it easier for software providers to access new audiences, promote their content, and strengthen their online presence. As they resemble mobile solutions, the users do not waste time getting familiar with a new interface and can continue seamlessly using the solution on any device without changing their habits. It’s an essential aspect

At the same time, PWAs provide users with all the benefits that the users draw from the native mobile solutions – from undisturbed work without a stable connection to push notifications – while benefiting from the browser plugins and API integrations just like traditional web apps.

Why are PWAs becoming more common?

With mobile traffic starting to dominate the online market, users are getting more accustomed to the UX of native apps. Its percentage has been growing exponentially in the last few years, reaching over 60% in 2022.

It will likely grow even more, which forces the companies to search for solutions that reflect this market change. With PWAs, the users have a comparable experience to native mobile apps. This way, the companies gain a competitive edge while sparing themselves time and money sacrificed for the native development. At the same time, accessing them is effortless – no need to search through the store and bother with the installation. Progressive web apps eliminate a few steps which matter in the app crowd.

Which projects are progressive web apps suitable for?

When should you consider switching to PWA or making it your first choice from scratch? Here are some common scenarios where progressive web app development may come as a solution.

  1. Your audience is getting younger, or/and you want to access a younger target group.
  2. You see a lot of newcomers on your website, but they quickly leave in the middle of the process, which results, for instance, in abandoned shopping carts.
  3. You have noticed increasing number of mobile visitors, but your website is built with a traditional responsive approach.
  4. You struggle to access new users.

Of course, these are only hints. The reasons behind some of these issues and the solutions that will bring you closer to your business goals may be different. However, it is definitely worth reaching out to an experienced mobile and web app development company and consulting your doubts. Having passed together through the discovery process, you will get to the core of your issue and pick the most suitable solution to fix it.

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