Home » AI-driven business planner launches in the UK

AI-driven business planner launches in the UK

by Tech Reporter
27th Nov 23 12:31 pm

Venture Planner, the innovative brainchild of seasoned entrepreneurs, Alex Clansey and Nicola McKenzie is set to revolutionise the business planning landscape, with the launch of a new AI-driven platform in the UK.

Targeted at start-ups, entrepreneurs, and ‘dreamers’, who harbour business aspirations, the software promises to transform the process of business planning by leveraging the incredible capabilities of the latest AI technology.

This not only makes the process more efficient and accessible but also significantly increases the likelihood of success. Unlike traditional business planning tools, Venture Planner is built from the ground up around AI, setting it apart from competitors.

Venture Planner considers a vast spectrum of user-provided data points, along with the extensive information and knowledge its unique AI has been trained on, before providing insightful suggestions on every aspect of the new businesses strategy and crafting a comprehensive business plan.

The platform eliminates the common hurdles encountered by entrepreneurs, such as self-doubt, not being familiar with business jargon, and uncertainty about where to start.

In the world of business, the fear of failure can be paralyzing, preventing may entrepreneurs from transforming their dreams into reality. However, Venture Planner, provides start-up’s with a much clearer understanding of the marketplace, the potential challenges they may face, and the opportunities that lie ahead. This knowledge helps to boost confidence and reduce the fear of failure and increase the chance of success.

Financial forecasting, a cornerstone of any business plan, is fully automated. The production of income statements, balance sheets and cashflow forecasts is made effortless and precise. Whether a tech startup or a retail enterprise, Venture Planner adapts to diverse industries and business models and guarantees realistic and investor-ready financial projections.

The platform boasts an impressive collection of over 50 concise surveys on every aspect of the business from the competitive landscape to intellectual property and product development. Each one is a unique blend of proven business and economic queries, seamlessly integrated with questions generated by its advanced AI. For every question, the platform offers a unique set of multiple-choice answers, ensuring the best response. All of these powerful tools are provided in a fully collaborative workspace where teams can share, review, and refine their business plans, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and invested in the vision.

Alex Clansey, co-founder and CEO of Venture Planner, said, ” After a decade of leveraging the latest software to reshape our business ventures, we are passionate about the transformative power of technology. Venture Planner is an incredible platform that puts the latest and most powerful technology within reach of everyone, from the newly self-employed carpenter to the serial entrepreneur.”

Venture Planner is available for purchase starting from 21 November 2023. The software will be priced at £36 per month.

Venture Planner is the brainchild of the dynamic husband-and-wife duo, Alex Clansey and Nicola McKenzie, who have successfully launched six businesses under the Dunham McCarthy Group banner in just over a decade. The platform is a testament to the team’s commitment to harnessing technology for business success, following in the footsteps of their previous venture, MyLastWill, which revolutionized the process of online will-writing.

Venture Planner parent company, the Dunham McCarthy Group practices a holistic approach to financial advice and estate planning. Together, its team of specialists and associates provide advice across a range of services: from estate planning to life insurance. In all the company has more than 100,000 existing clients.

Nicola McKenzie, co-founder of Venture Planner, said: “This new platform is more than just software; it’s a partner in your entrepreneurial journey. We understand the hurdles and uncertainties that come with starting a business, and we’ve created a tool that not only guides people through the planning process but also empowers them to take confident strides towards their business goals.”

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