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Which cryptocurrencies are most popular across the pond?

by LLT Editor
14th Jun 22 9:11 am

New research has revealed the cryptocurrency that each state wants to sell the most with Shiba Inu taking the top spot.

The research conducted by Los Muertos analyzed Google Trends data to establish the cryptocurrency that each state wants to sell the most amid the current cryptocurrency crash, based on searches.

The analysis revealed that Shiba Inu had the highest number of states wanting to sell the cryptocoin with a total of nineteen states, including Florida, Nevada, New York and Tennessee. Shiba Inu is one of the most affected coins from the recent cryptomarket crash, however, it has been predicted that the coin will rebound and rise to $0.00015 in 2023.

Bitcoin was the second most searched cryptocurrency to sell in America with seventeen states searching to sell Bitcoin more than any other cryptocurrency, including Oregon, Kansas, Illinois and Pennsylvania.

A total of eight states want to sell Dogecoin the most, the third highest number in the research. States seeking to sell Dogecoin the most include Hawaii, Minnesota, Wyoming and Delaware.

In the last week, Etheruem has crashed to more than 15%. This leads it to be four American states’ most searched cryptocurrency to sell, with states being Maine, California, Louisiana and Georgia.

Cardano was also the most popular cryptocurrency to sell in only three states – New Mexico, Utah and New Jersey.

Commenting on the findings, Gonku from Los Muertos said: “The cryptocurrency market has seen the biggest crash in history this year, with prices across all cryptocurrencies dipping as a result.

This study offers incredible insight into where various cryptocurrencies are potentially being sold from across America, with Shiba Inu being the most popular to sell on the internet. It will be interesting to see if these findings will be reflected in future prices.”

The cryptocurrency that America most wants to sell, by state
Cryptocurrency How many states Google it the most
Shiba Inu 19
Bitcoin 17
Dogecoin 8
Ethereum 4
Cardano 3

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